
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week

Hello bloggers, thanks for tuning in. 

Physical Well being- Exercise, Running and sleeping.

Family and Social Well being- Spending time with family, Family games.

Spiritual Well Being- pray, doing something quiet 

Mental emotional- Listen to music sleep.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 Your Task: Create a meal plan for 1 day that includes all the necessary amounts for each of the 4 Food Groups

Vegetables + Fruit - at least 3 servings of vege and 2 servings of fruit every day 

Grain foods - 6 servings each day (check portion sizes)

Milk/Milk products - 2 servings

Legumes/Nuts/Seeds/Fish/Seafood/Eggs/Poultry/Meat etc. - 2 servings 

When you have created your meal plan, please highlight each food based on the colours provided above. This will help us clearly see where each of the food groups has fit in. Remember, you want each meal to be a balanced plate.

Bonus research: how many glasses of water should we have each day? Fit this into your meal plan. 


Avocado & toast


Berry Milkshake  Toast


Watermelon with pineapple chunks on the side


50 less sugar brown rice black beans


How many servings per day? __7_____________________

How do you think you could fit these in besides just at meal times? 




 1. When can a mission (or from mars happen? why?- Every twenty-six.

2. What are two geological features of mars- Mars is known to be a red planet (caused by large amounts of iron oxide).    ice caps, Olympus Mons

3.What is one possible solution from the story about oxygen on mars- They turned CO into Oxygen

4. If it doesn't rain on mars where does water come from?- Getting the ice from under the ground and turning into vapour then back into water.

5.How will people get food on mars what is a possible solution-We need to grow crops

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hero vs Villains

 In Hurumanu 4 we did art/writing on heros vs villians so I based it off dragon ball z.

One nice sunny day two pod spaceships landed and one of them was Gotenks and he said Razu never finished his mission to kill the human race. He was wearing a scouter and he was checking their fight skills and he went to the other pod and said “wake up you big baby”. Demora said  “yes prince Gotenks”. Gotenks said “We have a mission to kill Razu the son of Bardock, a low class scum that is a disgrace of the yake lets fly over to the highest fighting level  you scum.”

What's your name you orange guy and this kid with a tail this must be  his prideful son “Razu’s son” 

“who is Razu” 

“it's your dad” 

“no my dad is called Kakarot”. “

You clearly don't know him”


, “your dad is a weakling like yourself”

 “let's fight you little brat”

 “can i go home to have a shower, you look like you need a  shower look at you”

 “what was that”



 “where is your father”

 “none of your business” 

“Lets start of with the donald trump looking orange guy”

 “ok let's fight” one kick snaps the leg and the neck he is down on the ground lying down dying “

“Jacob you have no chance, leave”

 “no Max don't die on me”

“ bye Jacob”


 “I am Super Jacob the defender of the world come here you idiot Gotenks”.

Gotenks was on the ground laughing “I have only been going 15%”

 “Well Gotenks i've only been going 65% you smell stubborn idiot”.

“Oi Demora you do smell come we took out ½ of them let's go”

  “Well they were flying to fight powers together of 5673 and there are only 3 people there and my fighting power is 58,034 and Demora’s is 29,891.”

“Imma lay down handle them Demora don’t break a sweat or I will end you”

“Don't try too hard on them weaklings, they’re earthlings goodnight”. 20 minutes later they are dead yes but look who that is, “Razu”

 “im Kakarot . You are thinking of someone else”, “no Razu your fighting power is 46,782 nearly higher than me”,

 “let's spar”

 they start to spar for 13 minutes “you killed my son”

“I will destroy you and his power rises upto 56,092”. Razu I might have to go 88%, you're dead here is my special move the Tide wave the smoke goes away and Kakarot aka Razu is standing there with no scratch no blood nothing. “Haha I was suppressing my power”.

“Here is my real power”. 

It rose up to 89,481 and “he said get off this planet or i will end you this is called having mercy to someone you should try it”. 

“Razu imma come back

and destroy you in two more earth days”, “Get in that pod now”

“ Thanks Razu but it’s the biggest thing you will regret. Bye bye 2 more days you will die die ahahahahaha”.

Day 2: “Come on it's a nice day let's go fishing Jacob”

 “No Max is gone and he is not coming back”

 “So i just want you to stop worrying about max”

 “He is in peace now”

“Let's go fishing”

 “No let's try to train or we are gonna die”

“Don’t worry I will be fine. “I'm more than double his power level you sensed it Jacob”

 “Yeah but he is gonna train and come here tomorrow”,”he is gonna kill us” 

“Get your head outta the gutter i'm stronger”


“strong doesn't mean anything it's about being tactical with your fighting”.

Day 3: “Hello Razu it's been a long time let's power up”

 his power rises up to 123,491 

“Im Kakarot and I have a higher fighting power” it rose to 125,592 let's fight.

“lets see about that”

“I skipped through time, look I have trained under Master Xeno”. 

“I have time skip, I can skip into time and it pauses”. 

“I go next to you and punch you and you didn't see it coming so yeah”

 “Gotenks I am stronger and more tactical”.

Gotenks killed him in 14 minutes,  because he knows his plan and he used That to his advantage and timed it perfectly, and killed him with a big kick Blasted him and when he was going down he punched him in the face, and His kid jacob was watching so he said “dad you idiot”

 “Gotenks come here kid i am now the strongest i meant still the strongest “why you SHUT UP KID”,

 “You are an idiot my dad is gone i will kill you, that just gave me a scratch”


His power level rose up 139,561, let's fight, he punched Gotenks he falls in the water fo 13 minutes “now i am stronger come here his pl went up to 145,619 we need to end him”

“THAT'S MY DAD”, “I will kill you little idiot”

  help dad my head, he snapped it and he snapped his leg so it was a draw no ‘I'm still standing here”

 “Okay bye i will see you daaaad”.

 “He couldn't even say dad before he died perfetic for yake bye bye yake, i am the only yake no one else of the race is alive”

 “Actually I am ahhh I am Razu and Kakarot so your not my friend”

 his pl rose To 157,829, your dead he said he died lets go.

 “My son”

 “hi dad”

 “Hi Jacob”

 “I'm not dead, I'm just paralysed”.

 “Okay and he is dead that one way to take out the trash lol”

“Nice job Dad we got him”.

I like this story because its based of dragon ball z and ilike dragon ball z.





Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Hello Bloggers i will tel you about my character in Drama class that i choose to perform in front of the whole school

My character i always mad and his name George Fire-hill and he like doing the garden and his wife passed so he is depressed and he said he will never let her down and he will find another insulation for life not make his life miserable i will never forget you Ava i am a Gardner now i will die soon i'm 83 so hope i see you in heaven. But i need love again and i like Emily so bye Ava.

so that just a short verse hope you like it keep on looking  blogs bye guys hope you will see another blog.