
Monday, May 31, 2021

Kate Sheppard

 In Hurumunu 1 we were learning about Kate Sheppard we read about Kate Sheppard and we had to learn about her. 

 Where Kate Sheppard born-     Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool England in 1847.

Why do you think she was placed on the not-    Because how she stood up to the men.

What does W.C.T.U stand for-    Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 

What are three actions that Kate Sheppard took on her quest.-

 1.She was writing a news paper 

2. she was holding public 

3.talking to members of the parliament.

When was Kate Sheppard born in 1847-True

Australia was the first country to have woman to vote-False

Nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Sheppard's petition-True

Is Kate Sheppard's image is on the 20 dollar note-False

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Term 2 Themed Bells

What is the song about this week: All she wrote 
What is the song about: The song all she wrote is about World war 2 The sad serviceman was supposed to get a letter from his wife?
Who are the members of Six60:(Maitu walters Marlon Gerbes Chris mac Eli paewai Ji Fraser Hoani Matenga)
When did the band form and where: Six60 the band formed in Dunedin in 2008 they all met on 660 castle street.
What do you think of the themed/Music bells: I think the bell this week is pretty good I like the message about it and I think it's pretty good.

Monday, May 10, 2021

 I made new friends in term 1 and i also enjoyed the free lunches for term 1

something challenging in term 1 in interval we played hide and seek and Payton was in a good spot.

My goals for term 2 is to not be shy and be brave.