
Monday, December 6, 2021


~~Business & Enterprise Reflection ~~

What your product is?-I made Christmas ornaments, painted them and coloured them in with felts

Was there teamwork-all five of the people in my group including me painted and coloured in with felts.

What did you win-we made 20 dollars by selling our products

What i enjoyed-I enjoyed painting/colouring and selling.

What i enjoyed(2)-I enjoyed market day i really liked sherbet and the Doritos

Carr values-I had respect for the people that designed the clash of cards they made there own card  game and it looked really cool i wanted to buy it. (I wanna make something like that next year.                   

*What we painted.*l

Thursday, November 18, 2021

How Maui Slowed The Sun

 Hi Bloggers, Toady in hurumanu i was learning about how Maui Slowed and i had to invent a machine to slow the sun so i had an idea of the slow-matron it was a gift from his grand father when he got it he wanted to slow down the sun because back then they only had 2 hours of light then it would be dark he an idea of hitting a perfect shot by timing the shot and discovered how fast the sun moved at shot it.

Sorry i can't show you a photo because its on my book and my Chromebooks camera doesn't have a camera. Sorry for the technical difficulty thank you for reading all of the message keep coming to my blogs thank you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Hi Bloggers, Welcome to my blog so in hurumanu 1 we have been learning about legends and myths i chose Maui because i wanted to hear how he slowed down the sun so here is my work i had to do about how Maui Slowed down the sun, hope you enjoy.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Monday, October 18, 2021


 What is a magnet? i do not know mate:(

Gummy Bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens to Gummy Bears when you put them in different solutions.


I predict that it will go bigger or slimy



  • 4x Gummy bears of the same colour
  • 2x Petri dishes
  • Paper towels 
  • marker pen
  • Water
  • Sugar Water
  • Salt Water
  • Electronic balance 
  • Beaker
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Safety googles
1.Get your equipment 
2. Put on your safety googles 
3. write the condition on the petri dish. Dry, Water, Salt Water, Sugar Water
4.Weigh gummy bear then wright the grams on the petri dish.
5. pour water from beaker into measuring cylinder at 40mL and then pour it in the petri dish


i had the salt water gummy bear it tasted alright:)

What is a osmosis, I think osmosis is a word in Mr Stocks vocabulary. :)

hands on fire

Hi bloggers heres instruction and equipment for yous to try out hands on fire experiment


I Want to set my hands safely on fire

  • Safety Glasses
  • Detergent
  • Lighter
  • Gas
  • Hose
  • Tap
  • Container
  1. Gather your equipment.
  2. Put your safety glasses on.
  3. Fill your container with water.
  4. Put some detergent into the water
  5. Connect the hose to the gas tap and put the other end into the water
  6. turn on gas
  7. tie up any long hair.
  8. wet you hands to your elbows
  9. with two hands scoop the bubbles up
  10. Extend your arms in front of your face
  11. Do not putt your hands near your face
  12. light the bubbles on fire with a lighter
  13. To get rid of the fire open your hands into the iron man position with your hands out
  14. and let the fire ball devour

Really fun but make sure you dont have a cut when you scoop some bubble anyways you should the are there for you have a good day:)

Science Equitment


A beaker is for holding liquid

Conical flask

Making Hokey Pokey


I want to find out how to make Hokey Pokey




  • Pot
  • 5 table spoons Sugar
  • Honey
  • 2 table spoon of golden syrup
  • 1 table spoon of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
  • mixing spoon
  • Stove/Bunsen Burner
  • Baking Paper
  • A Human to make Hokey Pokey
  1. Get your equipment ready.
  2. Set up your Bunsen Burner(Yellow Safety Flame).
  3. put your pot on the tripod and use the Blue flame.
  4. Add the golden syrup and the sugar to the pot.
  5. Mix it with the mixing spoon.
  6. stop mixing and turn off the Bunsen when the sugar boils.
  7. add the Baking Powder and mix.
  8. pour the mixture onto the baking paper.
  9. Let it cool.


tasted really good

Friday, September 24, 2021

Red Cabbage Indicator

 Aim: i want to find out how to tell if something is a Acid.



  • Beaker
  • Red Cabbage
  • Boiling Water
  • Dropper
  • test tubes
  • different samples for testing
  1. Get your equipment
  2. rip the cabbage in to small pieces
  3. put the pieces in the beaker
  4. add about 100mills of boiling water
  5. get the tube rack
  6. get the Hydrochloride acid and Sodium Hydroxide
  7. put acid or sodium in your tube and put your red cabbage juice in it with 

Result: i made a rainbow one and it was really fun i also made a pink one to.

here is a photo 

 right here is the photo           <¬

What is a base

  An acid is a liquid that has a Hydrogen H atom that can react.

For example: 

  • Nitric acid              HNO3
  • Sulfuric acid           H2SO4
  • Hydrocloric acid     HCI                  

A base is the oppisite of an acid and has a OH (hydroxcide) that can react  

ROYGBIV is the rainbow and the order of experiment.


 Hello everyone. 

I am doing science today and we have learnt how to make ginger bear. The aim of this experiment was to see how things ferments.



1 Styrofoam cup

luck warm water







it tasted  kind of spicy and after a day it kind of tasted like alcohol   

Friday, September 10, 2021

Making Sherbet


I want to find out how to make Sherbet




-Raro Icing Sugar


-Citric Acid 

-Baking powder

-Popsicle stick



1.Get all of your equitment

2.add 1 teaspoon of sugar and raro in the cup

3.half a teaspoon of acid to the cup

4.half a teaspoon of baking powder to the cup

5.mix with the stick

6.taste the sherbet and adjust the flavour


it fizzed up in     



Sunday, August 29, 2021

Arts kete

miss gave us some paper we had to cut out the parts off the whare and stuck it together and put little pieces like the koruru i missed out on the other days but i think we were making the whare in 3d so that was my Arts Kete

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics 


Blind Taste Tesing


i want to find out how things taste.



Equipment:Unknown food

Blind food







6 guess what food it is 

7 record your observation in table

results: When i ate the lime gummy it tasted powdery and when i blocked my nose it was bitter.

The Citric  Acid tasted good and it was sour but algs

The flower tasted yuck and bitter

The Salt taste salty its tasted the worst one yet

that sugar tasted to sweet

the sherbet was decent it tasted like fizzy with non flavour

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Counting The Beat

 Welcome Bloggers to my blog about hurumanu 2 which is Music and for everyone in my class had to learn about the ukulele and this what i learnt.


There is many types of Ukuleles here are the main Four We learnt about Concert,Tenor,Soprano, and Baritone.

Some Stuff on the Ukulele are the turning head, there is a body, and there are also is Frets


I actually have a Ukulele From Niue. 


Thanks For Reading this and here is a link of how the whole class learnt how to play a Ukulele.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Click Me To Learn How To Play A Ukulele

The Ukulele is 




Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Counting The Beat

 For a couple of weeks we have been doing music/Counting the beat, today's subject is guitar here are some types of guitars Bass Guitar, Classical Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electrical Guitar and a Jumbo Guitar

Here are some things on the guitar, there is a turning key for the string to adjust it, there is a sound hole for the acoustic so it smooths it.

here's a photo of a Acoustic

Monday, May 31, 2021

Kate Sheppard

 In Hurumunu 1 we were learning about Kate Sheppard we read about Kate Sheppard and we had to learn about her. 

 Where Kate Sheppard born-     Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool England in 1847.

Why do you think she was placed on the not-    Because how she stood up to the men.

What does W.C.T.U stand for-    Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 

What are three actions that Kate Sheppard took on her quest.-

 1.She was writing a news paper 

2. she was holding public 

3.talking to members of the parliament.

When was Kate Sheppard born in 1847-True

Australia was the first country to have woman to vote-False

Nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Sheppard's petition-True

Is Kate Sheppard's image is on the 20 dollar note-False

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Term 2 Themed Bells

What is the song about this week: All she wrote 
What is the song about: The song all she wrote is about World war 2 The sad serviceman was supposed to get a letter from his wife?
Who are the members of Six60:(Maitu walters Marlon Gerbes Chris mac Eli paewai Ji Fraser Hoani Matenga)
When did the band form and where: Six60 the band formed in Dunedin in 2008 they all met on 660 castle street.
What do you think of the themed/Music bells: I think the bell this week is pretty good I like the message about it and I think it's pretty good.

Monday, May 10, 2021

 I made new friends in term 1 and i also enjoyed the free lunches for term 1

something challenging in term 1 in interval we played hide and seek and Payton was in a good spot.

My goals for term 2 is to not be shy and be brave.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


so i read the story thingy and answered the questions from the text

I also did one about the split atom.

thanks for tuning bloggers.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Thanks for coming hope enjoyed it bye

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Class Display😜

 Hi Welcome To My Blog Bloggers today blog is about our class,

I Reckon for the tree we could of done way better especially like the top it need to be a bit bushy unless we were making a dead tree.

I was the person doing extra leaves and it had to about the Carr values c-Commitment a-Achievement r-Respect r-Resilience.  

I enjoyed doing it with my friends.

Friday, February 26, 2021

 Today in hurumanu 1 we were writing about the NZ earthquake here read this

Kiwi Bank Loans The Money For The Award

This award knows heroes who do things for the community  for new zealand that's passionate, and working hard Inspiring, like kiwi bank that's why kiwi bank supports the award because they did all of the above and even better and more stuff but they have never one it Kiwi Bank loans the money.

St John

Dr David Richards, Five years after the earthquake he got New Zealand bravery medal and st john, what he did on ctv site following the earthquake he helped all the scared and old people like he did the groceries for the old people and help the scared people by doing stuff for them they even went overseas to help the people in need

Those are the stuff that got people the trophy.

being brave when it's a dangerous or out of your comfort zone situation and For acts of  bravery in situations of danger. Like going into a house when there is a earthquake happening and get people out and make them survive

Who did not get an award who was still a hero

A Hero that did not get an award was Mike Brookland

Thanks for reading thanks for tuning read more off my blogs goodbye

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Back At School 😜

when i came back to school i did not know where my form class was so i asked mark where my class is and he showed me and i saw Reid, mark, Shane and the first time i saw Bronx and i did not see Sam so thought he did not going to school but his in a different class. I found that out in Interval when i saw him now his form class is R1