
Friday, September 24, 2021

Red Cabbage Indicator

 Aim: i want to find out how to tell if something is a Acid.



  • Beaker
  • Red Cabbage
  • Boiling Water
  • Dropper
  • test tubes
  • different samples for testing
  1. Get your equipment
  2. rip the cabbage in to small pieces
  3. put the pieces in the beaker
  4. add about 100mills of boiling water
  5. get the tube rack
  6. get the Hydrochloride acid and Sodium Hydroxide
  7. put acid or sodium in your tube and put your red cabbage juice in it with 

Result: i made a rainbow one and it was really fun i also made a pink one to.

here is a photo 

 right here is the photo           <¬

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